Friday, November 11, 2011

11.11.2011 One week

Warehouse sale! 
 Guess what! This morning I went from one train to the next without stopping and made it to work marvellously! The connection was wonderful! Let me tell you in detail, I just walked off the one train, took seven steps across the platform, literally hopped onto the other train as it was closing its doors, and then transferred onto the following train all the way to work! Alright, I’ll admit it was also sort of a lucky streak because if I could have very easily hopped onto the wrong second train. But! I totally felt like I knew where I was going.

Work today was busy, I was working on more other side projects they have, and had to CMYK colour match this piece for a brochure. Then on Monday I’ll be visiting the printers. Anyway, to get the colour right I needed a decent amount of light (and our office is quite dark), so I got to sit on the windowsill like a cat. (it wasn’t very comfortable because you need to be cat sized to fit on the sill ofcourse)

 We had lunch at this quirky place that reminded me of Raw Sugar in Ottawa. My coworker says they are all like this in Berlin. Hooray! What a cute style!

and isn't this jacket cool!

             1. Yeah, I did pick up some stuff, their vintage collection stuff was a good steal!                      2. Sale is that way!

After work today I went to the American Apparel warehouse sale. I don’t even like American Apparel that much, but I could also see it as a good excuse to further postponing my laundry pile. Plus, I’ve never gone to a warehouse sale! (I always miss that Umbra one) Anyway, for a warehouse/”Flea market” sale that is “up to 90% off” it was pretty pricey and they only had the lame stuff left over, like pin striped bloomers. WHO wears those anyways? I think it’s also because it’s in European prices on discount, so its still expensive. Does that make any sense? Their pants were a steal, but at toothpick sizes that even I couldn’t squeeze into, and there were plenty of gold leggings and gross coloured see through shirts.

I grabbed dinner at whatever place I could get food on my way back home and when I sat down at a table for one, I realised the name of the restaurant. hahaha. Well, a date for one please!

”What are you sending me?” I ask curiously. “A survival package....of non perishable junk food,” was her knowing response. “YESSSS!” I cheer.
 Oh! And when I got back today, look what I found! Who has the best sister in the world? I do! But I’m not going to open it just yet... I think I will inaugurate the new home with opening my package..which means it can't be too long!

So it’s been exactly a week that I’ve been gone away from everything home. If I wasn’t here, what would I be doing? I guess the same as everybody else comfortably situated in their daily to-dos. Yet somehow I have picked up and dropped myself halfway across the world. I think I am doing okay, a little bit stressed here and there and tired of getting lost, (except today!) but I technically have the base of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs fulfilled.

“So what is it like?” my friends ask, sending their regards from afar. And, “I’m so excited for you!” they exclaim. Me too I nod vigorously yet nervously each time. Well, “I miss you!” is really my response.

Work has been quite easygoing. However, if I actually push myself I can probably do more and get more out of this, but at this moment in time, all I want is a real home to live in.  I have two suitcases, but I am trying to only use one. I don’t want to pull everything out and organize it in a temporary space and then have to repack again not long after for another place. The second suitcase is stored away three flights down.
I also want a kitchen I can cook meals and eat dinner in, instead of buying take out and eating someplace else.
And I want to put my clothes inside a closet.
And I want to be able to do my laundry... hahaha
And stable internet...

My coworkers asked me if I had jet lag, and I said no, but after thinking about it, I think I do. Even though I sleep at around midnight, I can’t really fall asleep until at least 1am or so... maybe if I slept at 11, I could fall asleep at 12?

I have also picked up the habit of drinking coffee or tea in the morning at work. I didn’t think this would happen, but the lady at work makes really good coffee! Ahhhhh my teeth are going to stain!!

And! To add to my list of things one needs to do to get to know/adapt to a city, is going to buy groceries from a grocery store. It’s just what someone who lives there would do. And so you should too!

I could never be a nomad.


  1. “So what is it like?” my friends ask, sending their regards from afar. And, “I’m so excited for you!” they exclaim. Me too I nod vigorously yet nervously each time. Well, “I miss you!” is really my response.

    that's sweet :D

  2. we can chant more mantra for you so the apartment hunting goes well?:) Miss you too! waiting for the house warming party~haha
