Wednesday, November 16, 2011

11.16.2011 And the washing machine is in German

10:00pm:  I finally can't hold it in any longer and decide to wash my clothes. Who knows when I will have the chance to meet a washing machine.

I asked the lady yesterday about the possibility of doing laundry and she said she would show me the next day (which is today), so I made sure I didn't stay too late at work tonight and when I got back I reminded her about my laundry pile before we retreated to our rooms. She took me upstairs and briefly showed me the machine, and I stared on as I went "AHHH!" in my head, because it was (duh) all in German. You would think it wouldn't be confusing at all, because really, you just need to set the timer and push the start button, right? WRONG. Or well, perhaps it's because I'm neurotic and I'm very careful about how my clothes get washed (and placed in my drawers haha) because I've (or my mother has) ruined many shirts from washing, and I have a limited supply here. So I asked the lady a few questions, like what does that mean, and what does this do, and and it turns out, she doesn't understand German either. Her responses were mostly, "Oh, maybe it does this..." her voice drifting away in a diminuendo due to her uncertainty. And then proceeded to take out the laundry detergent, which looked suspiciously like bleach. She also wasn't very clear on how to turn the machine on, or where it was even located. To say the least, lets hope my clothes don't all come out one colour or idon'tknow whatever horrible things laundry machines can do to your clothes. Next, will be the dryer. Woohoo!

10:55. The machine is making this high pitched noise that makes me stop and stare at it out of concern. I think it's the sound of the inside bucket thing spinning really fast, the kind of fast that goes faster and faster and more and more high pitched. I wonder if this is normal... At least my clothes are getting washed... I think...

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