Thursday, November 17, 2011

11.17.2011 Helga Maria Bischoff Gallery: Okay, Richard Lampert exhibition

Berlin is gets prettier the more I get to know it. It has this nice sort of worn quaintness to it. I think it's the old wartime buildings and the cobblestone pathways that are getting to me. Plus, all the stores here have great window displays or funky interiors. Almost all the streets (near my work at least) are nice to walk along, and there are shops and galleries with really unique stuff sprinkled here and there.

Anyway, today is Thursday! For some reason there is like a universal unwritten museum rule telling them to open for longer hours on Thursday nights. Except for the ROM, their's is on Friday. The lady at work suggested a gallery she liked, but it was closed for its upcoming exhibition starting next week. They also have a cool opening party about contemporary ways of artistic production and publishing of books next week...I'll cover it if I go!

Bird Headphones, picture via ex-berliner

So instead, I checked out this exhibition titled: Okay, by Joanne GrĂ¼ne-Yanoff at the Helga Maria Bischoff Gallery, a few streets away from the office. The gallery space was really small, there were only a handful of her really delicate pieces on display. Personally, I didn't get it, but that's because she is mixing all this metaphorical poetic stuff into some sort of commentary that I don't really see or feel. But the description sounded interesting "In her sculptures, the artist makes use of natural found objects and materials such as wax, moss, feathers and salt, which she then combines with antique lab materials and other hand-made objects.", and the craft was pretty neat. Oooh, I also bought a gallery piece from one of the previous exhibitions that was held in the space. It is SO COOL, and very unique and that's all I can say about it because it's a gift but mind you, when you receive it let's share it okay?

No idea what this was for
On my way to the recommended gallery (I didn't know it was going to be closed), I took the long way because I found a tiny street market! It was selling food and fruits and vegetables, and all sorts of knitted things and books. So I detoured through there and then stopped at a hipster clothing store that had a good curated selection of clothes (I forget the name of the place) and left empty handed (of course), and then stopped again at a comic book store, and then passed by a toy store with really nice wooden toys for kids, (better than Melissa and Doug, or Plan b) which totally lured me in, and after that, I arrived at to the gallery to find that it was closed. See how Berlin can be nice for walking about!

1. street market,                                                                  2. hair dresser's table
Saw this place, looked empty so I didn't enter. Plus, my bus was in the other direction, but maybe I'll go back!

There were plenty of other galleries in the area, so I checked out a Richard Lampert exhibition at this interior studio (fancy way of saying store). Although they call it an exhibition it really was just a showroom display of his (sometimes nice!) furniture collection. I didn't take any pictures because the lady was following me around the room so I felt guilty for existing. Here's a tiny list of all the cool stuff!

Schreibtisch Eiermann, by Egon Eiermann, 1953
Sitzsack Pit Stop, Bertjan Pot 2010,                     Container Fixx, Peter Horn 2006

The giftshop section was filled with Donna Wilson stuff and her cats, and other super cool overpriced designer-y designed junk that I always eat right up. (Like those neon tea towels by HAY)

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