Sunday, November 27, 2011

11.27.2011 Finally! A flea market!

I've been trying to find a flea market for the past two Sundays and every time I show up, the place is flat out empty.

Look! there's a kid in the tree! and tire swings! 
I've noticed that Berlin has really great parks (and vintage stores). I never really looked at playgrounds until a recent major project forced me to look at them, but now I really appreciate them. I've walked by a lot of nice playgrounds and there are so many I just want to jump on the slide or go for a swing too. The space and construction is always nicely thought out and there are small exciting challenges and it feels like a fun place where kids can totally stretch their imaginations. But it's the one thing that I wouldn't go in and play there myself, because it's just weird and odd, and slightly creepy for the little kids. I know, I know, who says playgrounds are for tiny kids only? But me, alone, I wouldn't.

1.The mound of kids in the back are playing on a this flat thing that spins on an angle like a top, 2.How can this not be fun. It's so tall, and there's even a bridge!

Here, I found a flea market at Arkonplatz. It was tiny, and it was cold, so by the time I got there everyone was packing. There also wasn't much to check out. I think this area was more known for their cafes you could enjoy while you strolled through all the junk.

1. All sorts of metal things,                                                                                          2. Out of sorts!

1. something by krups,                                                                            2. matchboxes! A collection as boring as stamps

1. Isn't he cute? For ELEVEN EUROS. I put it back down. He may as well stay on that table forever.                  2. light up letters

I detoured through this park on my way home, and found a great running trail, but even more excitingly so, I came across these pink lumpy things. The above one was boring, minus his face, but the subsequent one was really cool! It was this pink blob with a sand pit and slide and TRAMPOLINES. 

1. a family jumping on the trampoline and little rock climbing rocks for kids to get to the, 2. slide and sandpit, 3. other side

On the other end of this park, the entrance actually, is this giant three level jungle gym/playground made out of all sorts of things like tires, used cars, barrels, and whatever else you can make out from the picture. I think it's closed for the winter because I pass by it every day and I never see people on it. This is also the beach section of the park, a strip of sand runs the length of the park and there are plenty of volleyball nets. No need to fight.

1. a two picture mash up, forgive me.                              2. It's called a beach bar, but I don't know if that goes for the entire park too..

Moving on elsewhere, near the elderly home, there are these benches with pedalling things to keep them exercising. Cute and simple!

There's always a kid in here, or else it's closed. No space for me to play!

a hanging cot, a balance beam, a rope bridge...did I forget to grow up? update. this park revisited

Lastly, I've moved one suitcase over to the new place. Old lobby VS new lobby. hahaha. Don't be concerned. It's just red paint on the floor.

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