Saturday, December 10, 2011

moving in: The apartment!

Here's to the joy of having some personal space to run around in. Imagine being a hamster, that wheel must be so boring. I've officially moved into this place, a fully functional apartment with three other people I've just met. These are the three doors you have to walk through. So come, enter!

Kitchen. I have yet to find out if that dishwasher works...

1. The other door. Not to be used, hence the sword.                            2. The bathroom switch(es) and jack(s). Funny right?

The living room. Sometimes the eating room

The bookshelf. I haven't seriously looked into it, but I assume everything is in German. Board games included.

1. mattress springs, wall decor                                                             2. we drink our tea in yoghurt jars.

The bedroom hallway. I love that lamp 

Dining room. It has this giant glowing Cambodian wall thing. We don't have dinners together, but just in case we do, we moved the larger table out here.
A PIANO! And I think I saw a guitar lying around..
There's a balcony too, that faces this old public swimming pool house (stattbad) which has been forever drained and taken over by artists. (I took a peek and it's really cool)  I've been trying to figure out what it says on the face of the building, and today, I've figured it out. It says, "AND THEN WE TAKE BERLIN."

Pictured above is a doorbell and a hallway light. Sometimes hallway lights don't have an indicator in the middle. For the first few house visits, this was the most confusing thing ever as I don't want to play nicky-nicky-nine-doors, yet I don't want to wander up stairways in the dark. One time, I stood in front of a door knocking because I thought it was a light (and it was midday) and not a door bell. Another time, I pushed two doorbells before hitting the light and then ran away as fast as I could out of embarrassment. Other times, I think it's a door bell and am reluctant to push it for some light. Now, I think I am getting used to it, but I cannot understand why they have to look the same and sit next to each other!


  1. Would it matter much if they were very very far away from eachother?

  2. nope. well maybe, the one that isn't next to the door isn't a doorbell. but i'd still probably accidentally push the wrong one anyway.
