Friday, December 9, 2011

moving in: Getting groceries, what?

Now that I've moved in, I'm slowly getting everything together. I've been to the grocery store every day this week and now I can't fit any more groceries in the fridge. But it is nice to be able to cook a meal for myself and sit down at a dinner table with a book and eat, or talk to a real person.

I think this is pronounced "reh-weh" , but I say "ree-wee" and people still understand what I'm telling them.
Getting groceries has been a real task especially when hungry. I guess it's not really a problem when it comes to vegetables because vegetables have a universal look, and I can generally eat all of them. However, when it comes to food that comes in packages, it is so confusing. There are so many CHOICES. If only my choices were in English. Malcolm Gladwell has proved himself right in my life.

I stood in aisles for a really long time trying to read everything before making a decision on which one to buy, and walked in circles looking for specific things. Groceries don't seem to be placed in any sort of organized manner --the chocolate is not with the candy, but is with the mittens, and there is a full aisle of jarred vegetables like pickles and radishes or tomatoes but I have not been able to find a selection of jarred pasta sauces. And some places don't have aisle signs (not that it helps).

So anyway, I've been taking pictures of things at the grocery either to translate them later so I can buy it, or because they are amusing. Here's my list...

cool, right? I bought a jar of nutella. First time in my life. I'm also going to eat it. for the first time..  

1. Is this mushroom cream cheese? Is it pâté?           2. Is this margaine or butter? Salted or unsalted? Low fat or not?

1.Which of these three sauces contain meat? Arrabbiata, Bolognese, or Napoli? I stood there for a bit, and then decided not to buy any of them. 

What is Leerdammer? What kind of cheese is Schnatt-kase (kase is cheese)?

1.What is mild vs aromatisch? Which one will end up tasting more like toes? 2. Christmas cheese
Cheese is a staple for me, so this has been very frustrating. Every time I check the cheese section I check out. I always leave empty handed because I'm too scared to potentially end up with a sharp stinky cheese. There's no such thing as a block of cheddar or mozzarella in the same way you get it back home (it's like bocconcini instead but I love that too so it's okay), and there is definitely no such thing as marble. But for some reason, there is an entire wall of gouda.

1. lavender honey, I think. 2. Why one is "creamy" and the other is not. I thought right-side honey turns into left-side honey when you leave it out too long.

1. Turkish cola!,                                   2. asian bowl as a cup!

"WHAT IS IT?!" I just want to shout at the box. I think this is candy. At least, it is in the candy section..

what is... 1, Puck spread? 2. this? 3. Kaki? is it a fruit or a vegetable?

1. packaged nuts that come with a bowl,               2. I haven't seen cereal box toys in a long time.                        3. A dish for your sponge.


  1. Hahaha, dufus.

    Is you like strawberry whipped cream cake...Go for the Hello Kitty thing. But I recon it's quite expensive. Haven't you noticed the german-asian underground scene that Denny is in? Somehow there is a market for that kind of stuff in Germany.

    That is not nutella! It's the B-brand and it's very different, the quality in chocolate of nutella is far better. You've been scammed. And Nutella is in German also Nutella and not nusetti haha.

    The mushroom cream cheese should be like the french ones. I think to cut it in slices. Most pate's come in small cans and not in wrapped paper.

    It's butter/margerine for on your bread...but indeed it's not clear if it's low fat or not. If it's not on the label you can assume it's very fat. But it says it's "Irrestistable!"

    The pasta sauces are ALL WITHOUT MEAT. It even says "add minced meat" as a cooking suggestion. (the blue part) So go eat pasta now and do away with your ratatouille hahaha. Ohh, it's getting more depressing every line towards the end of this post...So much doubt and foods you won't buy....

    Leerdammer is Dutch! But for all those chunks of cheese you'll need a special cheese tool to make your own slices. A knife won't do the trick. Käse is indeed Cheese...Schnat...I have not heard of. But it seems like some special type. Maybe it's less ripened.

    Hahahha, yes oldAmsterdammer certainly is more toe like. One of my housemates really likes it though, it's very very full of flavour and salty. Almost spicy! I guess it's an acquired taste but you should get the mild one. It's more rubbery and less toe like. The "aromatic" ones are also old cheese types that have ripened more. Parmazan is quite strong...but you don't seem to have a problem with that...perhaps you should try some Old Amsterdammer....Take a picture of your face when you actually start chewing on some OldAmsterdammer.

    You obviously don't know your honey! There are creamy ones and clear ones. And the real nutella is below the honey!

    Love is...Chewing gum...with fruit flavours..banana, apple...etc...(KAUWGUM it's sort of same in Dutch)

    Puck seems like something the Turks brought into Germany seeing the arab thingy...Perhapds something daisy like...I think it goes on your bread....

    YOU ARE in the TURKISH section! The Kadayif is very very nice sweeet stuff, you should totally try it!

    The kaki's look tomato paprika like...Perhaps it's something in between. I would like to try it.

    You're supposed to eat the packaged nuts with yoghurt or something like that in the bowl.

    BTW I like how they just sort of....glued the handle on the asian bowl.

  2. BTW I think it said "Schnitt-Käse"meaning you'll need to cut it yourself...I think...Not much todo with the flavour
