Thursday, December 8, 2011

12.08.2011 St. Lucia Christmas Market

I think this is the nicest Christmas market I've been to. It is small and "quiet" and really cosy. It's got a sort of romantic vibe to it and a variety of handmade things and food stalls with small crowds of people sharing a drink and chatting. Best of all, the air smells like firewood. Even when I got home I could smell the sweet scent of burnt wood in my hair.

The entrance is unassuming, and not glamorous, but that's okay.

metalsmith and his metalwares

Honey maker and his honey (no PUN intended!)

hot dogs cooked over coal


This is really cute! Here, there is an oven that connects to five heaters and above each of the heaters is a jacket that you can wrap yourself in to stay warm. Of course, you can have two people sharing one jacket so it would be extra warm.

1. the jacket,                                                                                    2. the main heater

 the instructions

floating child. do you see? Here, there is a trampoline you can do somersaults on!

Bow and arrow to shoot your enemies

people eating and drinking and chatting, and me, watching them. 

I ate this. I think it's called Dinnel. It's like a pizza and it has potato and cheese on it. I chose it because it has this long line-up and that's the only way I can gauge good public food .

1. the lineup                                                                                 2. right out of the oven

1. And here I thought of Terry, our wood shop technician.                                                        2, the white swan on stilts

 A heated hut/tent you can sit inside and enjoy your drink. There's a little bar inside too!

santa's helpers are chopping up meat

When I came home today, look what came through the mail! (with love from a new addiction to ebay)

Well, I've had a nice evening stroll tonight. My toes got cold so I had to get home. I have been busy with settling into my apartment, getting groceries and all sorts of little things I think I need, so I stopped being a tourist for a few days. Work has also been keeping me busy because I am slowly being allowed to take over a project. Exciting things will happen!

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