Monday, December 5, 2011

12.05.2011 I have a home!

I moved to my new apartment today. It is so exciting to be able to finally open my suitcases and relieving to wear my pajamas to bed (I used to just wear the next day clothes). I'm really happy! 

I live with three people and two cats, Boy and Girl, who are really playful. Sometimes, Girl will jump onto your back and just sit there. One day I will show you. 

Although, what is interesting is that I have been able to live out of just ONE suitcase for the past month, I guess I did pack more than I needed..!

The keys to my rickety wardrobe

"How hard can it be?" she says, puling out all the wooden pieces out at once. Although I always end up having to read the IKEA instructions.

1. good ol Alan key,                                    2. Broccoli,                                                       3. wardrobe

A couch in the room! Ha!

BOARD GAMES! Proof that I belong here.

The living room and kitchen and the other living room

p.s. if you read this one day, thanks for helping me build Albert today!

1 comment :

  1. You're such a happy camper hahaha. And the board games. I guess you'll love the short trip away from Germany. I like the red white theme, it's sooo rock!
