Sunday, December 4, 2011

12.04.2011 Berlin BLIA Annual report meeting?

If you read carefully it says FGS林柏 instead of 柏林! (lin-ber instead of ber-lin). I can't read asian so you can't blame me for taping it wrong.

1. There was food and prizes,                                                              2. and Karoke. The first song was 上海滩.

See those "oil sticks" ? Apparently you CAN'T GET THEM IN BERLIN. Someone came over and made them by hand. At the end of the day, the ven. let the devotees take stuff home, and that pan of "oil sticks" was cleared in less time than you can say abracadabra.

I didn't go out today because the temple was so eventful and I was able to help around a bit. I also got around to cleaning my room, especially the denim blue tub. This is the highlight of the day because sometimes I have to go on these cleaning binges and it is so satisfying (I make a good room-mate, just ask her). I also secretly enjoy the smell of really strong cleaning agents..! Anyway, I found this cleaner somewhere and tried to used it on the tub, and it was so disappointing because it had the cleaning strength of water. I went to look for some other solutions, and after some searching, I found something else that had the right strength smell --the smell of brain cells dying. And it worked really well. I mean like, I could use it on the tub, the mirror, the sink, the floor... everything would glimmer. 

I also really needed to clean because the room is a mess and...
This ledge was clutter free for three days, and then I couldn't help myself. I don't even have space to put my glasses there any more.


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