Friday, February 3, 2012

02.03.2012 Abandoned Brewery

empty spaces.

There's an abandoned brewery just down the street from where I work. It's been "under construction" forever and has always been quiet. I got a text from my coworker the night before about this place. A friend was checking it out for a potential project and asked me if I wanted to tag along. "Yes!" I said, "Of course!" I didn't really know this place existed until now and the inside is was beautiful albeit desolate. 

There isn't much of a story, mostly photos of forlorn spaces unpreserved. This post industrial site belonged to a brewery that began in the 1880s. Now, it's just waiting to be remade into something new (possibly a loft or a shopping arcade). So it's kind of neat to be here in this place to acknowledge it before anything happens. 

Outside, there is a cottagey looking building which is actually a Polish "home" that was picked up and dropped here. There's another one like it in the city somewhere. I think it is some sort of theatre, and they have shows or something like that. I am not sure, but it won't stay here for long, so I hope I can go in before it leaves. The interesting structure on the right is a leftover part of an old GDR building. After the wall was taken down this was salvaged from a shelled out government building and placed here. 

"The rooftop collapsed here, and now we have a rooftop terrace!" he said brightly

crumbling ceiling. like snow

doors, extracted.

light! texture! peel!

a happy space between rooms

can you identify the car?


1. tree.                                                                             2. dark, damp tunnels.
The underground basement used to be a night club. Every now and then they reopen it and have a giant party. Back then, this was where the brewery stashed and made their brew.

That's a real person.
We came upon this one room in the tunnel where we were told that once upon a time a person (the owner of the brewery?) had hidden himself down here and then killed himself. That's about enough to creep me out in a dank place like this, so I was ready to head up to sun-lit areas after that.

"How cool would it be to bring a boat in here?" not really pausing for a response, "And so I did!" he proudly exclaimed.

Leftover construction equipment. There was a movie filmed here. Couldn't tell you which it was.

the Soviets!

tee shirts!


  1. 1. the face has a moostache!
    2. so that's the reconstructed tree...
    3. is this place guarded normally? i'm surprised of the lack of graffiti!

    1. 3. yeah, guarded, and locked, but you could always climb through a window. There's a family of foxes living here. They ate the cat.

  2. ...suspect serial killer hide out!!!

  3. You have probably one of the most interesting vacation pictures I've ever seen.

    Monuments?! Forget those! Let's go take pictures of emptry rooms! That's where the money's at!
