Sunday, February 12, 2012

02.12.2012 Anita-Jeannine-Jo at the Flohmarkt am Mauerpark and the East Side Gallery

Sundays are slow days, that's how they are meant to be. We were supposed to go to the drained pool party next door last night, but by the time we got home and sat down, nobody wanted to get up. Today, we took it easy and went playground hopping and vintage shopping. 

Playground next to Humboldthain station?
Today, we came across three playgrounds. I think if playgrounds weren't so cookie cutter boring in Toronto I would be less obsessed fascinated by them when I see them in Berlin. 

Are you supposed to slide between the two metal poles?

This is a different spielplatz (playground) from above and is located  next to the Mauerpark flea market. There's a tree house in the back, but it was fenced off. I wonder what these "lumps" are for other than jumping off of, of course.

Next to Mauerpark, on Bernauerstr.

It was the coldest week in Berlin. Actually, for all over Europe, everyone was getting heaps of snow and Canada was sitting somewhere in above zero weather. The Mauerpark flea market is one of the biggest and more popular flea markets out there. You can probably find anything here, but if you want something really good you have to do some searching. It's an eclectic mix of old items in a clutter of cardboard boxes and homemade cake, and artists selling their wares, and musical instruments, vintage clothes, and polaroids (without the film, I asked). 

a knock-off IKEA who knocked off Moooi.

My favourite tool.

take a tip from a tea tin.

1.Hello little people, and zebra,                                              2. right angle socks! (they don't look it, but they are)

Mauerpark is huge, like seven acres huge. We made a small dent inwards and had to leave because our feet were starting to freeze. The place was also pretty crowded (not crowded enough to keep you warm!), but I guess it is always like that. The park itself has a lot of fun things to check out too. There are these swings situated at the top of hills, and a "secret" bouldering wall at the far end of the place. I have yet to see for myself, but on a warmer day...

Welcome to the circus! 

A circus themed spielpark! How ridiculously cute is that. The playground doesn't look very worn, so perhaps it is new or kids don't like the circus. Even though we were dying from the cold, we (or maybe it was just me) couldn't resist trying out the area. I'm not sure about the fun factor, but hey, it looked good!

1. The trapeze artist,                          2. How does anyone get to the slide?                         3. snakes and ladders

Cage for kids. Rykestr and Sredzkistr

Albrechts Patisserie, toasty time

The day was almost over and we weren't able to see everything we wanted to. Re-energized on cakes and coffee, we decided to book it to the East Side Gallery before one of us left for the airport in the evening. On our way, a guy and a girl stepped onto the train with a giant black bag. The guy unzipped it and revealed a keyboard. "I wonder where they are heading to go play," I thought aloud. I've been craving live music lately, so if we had more time I might have even followed them to their venue (in a non creepy way) Anyway, the guy started to set up right where we were standing. "I guess they're playing here!" was my friend's reply. And so, for the small duration of our train ride to the East Side Gallery, we had an entertaining keyboard-tap dancing tune. (see video above)

The East Side Gallery is conveniently located between two train stations. Caught between wanting to see all of it, and the possibility of missing a flight, we decidedly raced through this gallery, not stopping once and seeing with our eyes instead of our cameras.

1. the O2 theatre, please host someone cool to play,                                                          2. off the wall.

shuffling along

we made it! just as the doors were closing..!

Now we were one less and the weekend was looming closer and closer to over. We headed out for some cosy ramen noodles at Cocolo (heart in Japanese)

Afterwards, Anita and I headed to Magic Mountain for the night. It's the latest and greatest paradise for rock climbers, and not only do they have bouldering and climbing but also a sauna, hot tub, and mini exercise room. Unfortunately, by the time we got there, they were closing in ten minutes. Nevertheless, I've included photos of their impressiveness to make you jelly.


you can touch the ceiling!

Just look at all this wall to climb. Are your hands sweaty?

stayin up, makin sandwiches

See you again soon!

N.B. I had a super weekend guys, it was really nice to share all the laughter with you. Thanks for visiting!