Tuesday, February 14, 2012

02.14.2012 Berlinale

The Berlinale is here! My co-worker is a total film fanatic so she was prepping me a week in advance. What's really cool about the Berlin film festival is that it's actually affordable here, and (some of) the films are in English! I asked my Japanese flatmate about the festival over dinner and he said he was going to see all the Japanese films. We can only half understand each other, but after some pestering and finger pointing we got ourselves figured out.  

members only.

Meryl Streep was arriving that night. I think I saw her car. And yeah, I think she's pretty cool too.

Shh, it's starting!
With that, I went to see "Rentaneko" directed by Naoko Ogigami. It was super adorable! In short, the movie is about this girl who rents out cats to lonely people. She walks along a path with her cart of cats in tow and announces, "Rent-aaaa neko! Are you lonely? Why not rent a cat?" And for each cat she rents out, you come across a story about a lonely person with holes in their lives that needs filling.
Unfortunately, no one from the film was at the premier so we didn't get to have a Q and A session. 

Berlinale bear.

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