Saturday, March 17, 2012

03.17.2012 Out of the woods, Grunewald Forest

what does it mean? what if I'm already walking in the opposite direction of the arrow?

Little red riding hood, where are you going?

There was an article about this "event/installation" where you would go into the forest and find music, and download it into something that can read a USB (typically, a laptop, what else?). The music is hidden in logs and marked with a neon yellow marker, and you are given a map. Not too difficult, right?
The back of someone's head
The idea was a little out there, being an "exploratory musical adventure for those willing to journey into the unknown". The music is from the latest release of the "Really" label, a six track album titled "Out of the Woods" that forces fans to ramble through the forest to find each one.

It didn't occur to me that this would be a difficult task. I had multiple versions of the map, a phone with a data plan, and chocolate (in case I get hungry). All I would have to do is walk in a straight line the way it's drawn.

picnic! May I join you?
In fact, I had no idea where I was going, and it became even more true when I stood at the entrance of the forest. How on earth am I going to find anything in here? Firstly, the place was a legitimate forest. Not a dainty green park, but it was the woods. Secondly, I should have brought my bicycle. It would have made getting lost more efficient, and I would be able to "see more things". Thirdly, I finally came to my senses and remembered that I have no sense of orientation, period.

I picked a direction (the wrong one, of course) and walked. The area is huge, the forest just doesn't end. And, spoiler alert, I did not find the music. I even tried to follow some random people hoping maybe they were looking for music too, but nope. However, I did find some other cool things... 

Informative signs for bird watching

The next think I know, I was at the beach! How weird was that? I just walked and wandered until I came across this sand hill. It's about 20meters tall and kids are running about barefoot and building sandcastles, and people are having picnics and tanning, and I'm still in a forest clearing.

There's a marshy bit, but I don't think it's any good for taking a dip. 

A sand beach! In the middle of a forest!

Found a sweet spot

worse case scenario

more signs pointing in the opposite direction that I am walking in. I ignore them.

This one! Is one of them. I found it because I saw a crowd of young people around it and one of them had a laptop. Like a true scouter. I walked up to them and asked them about it, and apparently they had found all the other ones, easily. I shrugged, as if I knew, and tried to get music from this last tree and call it a day. Unfortunately, this one was broken, the connector cable was totally missing so we had to go without. 

At the end, I didn't get music and went home sort of empty handed, but I did find a naked man meditating in the trees. Strange stuff yeah?

Oh, and I also recently told my flatmate about my venture into the forest, and she asked, "Did you get lost?" and I said "Yes," and she replied, "I get lost there too, that place is impossible." Glad to know I'm not the only one..

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