Sunday, April 8, 2012

04.08.2012 Amsterdam to Berlin

wind farm
I made the mistake of not paying attention and falling asleep on the train. I didn't clue in that the next stop would be the stop to switch trains to go to Berlin until I noticed a heap of people getting off and I had a suspicious feeling that perhaps I should be too. The confusing part was that the signs did not match, but I quickly grabbed my stuff, hopped off and showed a train person my ticket with an invisible question mark above my head. "Better safe than sorry," is what mother would always say. The train lady read my ticket, nodded and pointed to the train on the other side of the platform. Phew..!

The EYE Dutch Film Museum, Delugan Meissl Associated Architects (Porche Museum, Stuttgart)
This is the last bit of sightseeing before leaving. It's right behind Amsterdam Centraal, so it didn't require much effort. Kind of funky right?

reunited once again!
If I could stay one more day in the Netherlands I would, but tickets were more than double the price to return to Berlin and there were no carpooling options left. I always seem to leave like this, feeling like it is a bit premature to go, and that there are still many things to see and do, yet only discovering these things when there is no time left. Before departure, we grabbed a quick but lovely brunch with another friend and instead of me sending him off to work, this time it was the other way around and he was sending me off on my train to Berlin.

en route, on the German side
I don't have to say it to tell you I had a great weekend and if I was to choose favourites I couldn't, so I will just arbitrarily choose something, like the impressive windmills in an invisible sunset. But really I couldn't care for whatever we spent the weekend doing. I just had a good time overall. It's just nice to kick back and hang out sometimes.

P.S. When you read this, thanks again for a wonderful weekend!

1 comment :

  1. Yeah totally though there is much more to explore. Yeah sort of forgot to mention...I know Guan mentioned in a hurry that your next stop would be the change. But you know, no risk no fun right :).

    The EYE building reminded me of a dove...pidgeon...

    The only thing I would have wanted to improve was the dinners, cooking would be much more fun and better for the wallet...
