Wednesday, April 25, 2012

04.25.2012 Humboldthain volkspark

I noticed this high point on a hill a few days ago by my home and reminded myself to check it out sometime. Actually I wanted to go at night so I could see all the little lights of the town flicker in the darkness, but when I walked into the forested area, it was so so so dark I only went two metres before I headed back out.

flakturm (anti aircraft tower)
More war-time remains. This mound was built from leftover bombing rubble and because of its massiveness and super thick concrete walls, only half of it was destroyed. Originally it was a bomb shelter, and a place for the German air force to figure things out (the Luftwaffe). There's even a hole somewhere that still exists today that civilians used to dodge bombing raids.

There are tours available to go inside, so maybe I'll try it another day. Just a heads up though, it's not for the claustrophobic.

The view from the top

This is my neighbourhood

safety measures

1. two levels,                                                                                                      2. top of the hill

And look what we have here! A pile of ropes, attached to a wall, for climbing! The base of the massive anti -aircraft tower is used for scaling practice by rock climbers. There are little hooks in the wall to clip into on the way up, and little grooves in the wall to stick your fingers and toes into. Looks like dangerous fun right?

View of an English rose garden from above

Right along this way and into the rabbit hole
There's an English rose garden on the park grounds as well, but the roses are not in bloom yet. Compared to the flak-tower, this park was nothing but well pruned shrubs in circles and squares. 

walk across this bridge to enter the park and climb up the hill towards the tower

The river Panke, right by my home. Makes for a nice bike ride

1. "graffiti" along the river                                                                                                     2. Blu?

And a real-life update, I was in a car accident yesterday, but I am fine. Nobody got hurt-hurt, and although there was damage and it took us (driver and I) by great surprise, in the aftermath, there was the comfort of friends, and knowing that everybody is still alive and kicking. That's the most important part anyway. High-five for being alive! xx

1 comment :

  1. This is something worth to be creeping around in at night time. Nightvision goggles would come in handy I guess. I would advise against walking there on your own.
