Sunday, May 27, 2012

05.27.2012 There's Cake in Berlin 2/3

doll face
Remember I said May had a lot of long weekends? Well this is the last one (and a good one!) and the weather was perfect. Nothing but sunshine. Like a true Berliner, Sundays are slow and everyone takes it easy. My friend's cousin and his girlfriend (now fiancee!) happen to be in town the same weekend, so we met up for brunch (nobody wakes up for breakfast). It was like a mini family reunion. I don't know if it's weird for them, but it was nice for me. 

Hey! Someone moved my house..
Okay, there's one major Berlin landmark we missed...The East Side Gallery, but we did see the other "fake" Berlin wall at Nordbahnhof - the Gedenkstatte. 

1. Chapel of Reconciliation,                                  2. Tandur Lasan! This picture is totally out of place, but I want to make a point that I made it here.

1,2. live on front porches and swing life away

"...On the Museum Island at the end of the day," as Emmy the Great would say

Berliner Dom, Berlin's largest Cathedral. We should go inside next time.

round and round

I've discovered that the best days are playground days. If there's something better than best, it's when you come across a really good playground when you weren't looking for one. So, can you guess what was beyond the trees?

1. Woohoo, kinderspielplatz!                                                                         2. Rubber seats

A rubber playground!
Look! LOOK!! Everything is made out of rubber! In the middle is a multi-level labyrinth of thick rubber sheets hanging from ropes. I don't know what got into the architects to forgo the typical wood structure, but it's super cool. Running on this thing feels like walking on sheets of fruit-by-the-foot. It wasn't searing hot that day, but if it was, I would think the slide would melt the socks off the kids zipping down it.

1. Graffiti'ed,                   2. I can't figure if I'm supposed to let my feet sink into these or slide my way through

danger games

lily pads. If you jump, the whole thing shudders. This thing is truly built for kids-only (and light weight adults! score!)

1. so chewy,                                                                                             2. climbing through

The sign says for ages 15 and under. You can't stop me!

at Winterfelderplatz


  1. "It was nice" HAHA!

    And as much as you "liked" the bakery, you only managed to take a little bite.

    Ah! the Chapel came back to my mind when I was in Paris. That's where the wood reminded me of. And we never took a picture together with my cousin! It was such a nice moment.

    I think this day was for you the best since the rest was just pure agony. So your theory fits. The best days ARE the playground days. Lots of markets, the park just in front of the Cathedral, more markets oh yeah and piano time in the evening. It was the only proper homemade dinner at the time :)

    1. 1. I wasn't hungry.
      2. What wood?
      3. I know we didn't take a picture, it's been bugging me ever since!
      The beginning of Potsdam was really fun too. The latter half.. well, you know.
      4. Thank you for dinner!
