Thursday, August 23, 2012

08.23.2012 Parc Guell

Aloha! I'm back in Barcelona for a day, and decided to spend it at Parc Guelllllllll.

Firstly, I left Sevilla in a flurry and a bit of panic. I didn't do my research on how to get to the airport, and where to go in Barcelona, and I had to pack and when I got to the bus stop, there was a giant sign saying that the airport shuttle stop had relocated to a street I didn't know. D:

I made it, obviously, but it wasn't stress free.

On way way up the hill to the park

gingerbread houses

I've always wanted to try this! You know the phrase 'it's so hot you could fry an egg on the pavement?' WELL LOOK.

Funny thing, I asked a couple to help me take a photo for me on this wall, and on my flight home later that day, I was seated next to them! I was looking for my seat number, and this guy was staring at me the entire time I put my luggage away and got into my seat. Finally he piped up and said, "I took a photo of you today!" I looked up, feeling majorly weirded out and slightly awkward until the girl next to him was like, "Oh yeah! We were at Parc Guell on the rocks!" and an expression of relief came over my face. I thought I was going to have to change seats..


I saw a Claes Oldenburg sculpure in a book at the giftshop, and decided that I was going to find it. I got this far, and sort of gave up. It was hot and all I could see were suburbs and lengthy roads. No Claes Oldenburg in sight.

 gatsby is watching

palm tree tops!

public park spaces

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