Tuesday, August 21, 2012

08.21.2012 Sevilla tour

This is my second last day in Sevilla and I still haven't crossed the river. Actually I never thought about what was on the other side, but it could be worth wandering into. I had breakfast with that stranger I met the first night I arrived. He told me to check out the archives, and so I did and he accompanied me. I also got him to show me the aquaduct ruins in the middle of a street, which he insisted did not exist (but the internet said it did), and thankfully it did, because the sun was getting pretty hot. It's too bad he didn't suggest the museum of fine arts or the archaeological museum. (In which, I only find out about these places in hindsight, many miles away from Sevilla) And so, the rest of the day I took to my own, mostly shopping and writing postcards. 

Archivos de Indias


Sevilla Cathedral, the oldest in the world, and home of a part of Christopher Columbus

This is an alligator given as a gift to a king
Apparently, an Egyptian prince came to the palace to ask for the princesses hand in marriage with a gift for the king. He brought an elephant (see tusk) and a crocodile. However, the king didn't want the crocodile, and it would be rude to refuse it, so he placed it outside in the courtyard.

water funneling system to water the trees

painter in the shade

 narrowest street, known as the "kissing street" because the space for two people to walk there is so small, they'd be kissing.

I forget the significance of this carriage/phone booth, but it's sitting in a hotel.

The atrium of someplace. Would be gorgeous in the spring/summer

Evidence of history! Relics! Romans! Aqueducts!

on the Los caƱos de Carmona

Sevilla, 2012

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