Monday, July 23, 2012

07.23.2012 Prague

This is the last day in Prague. It was a good length for a visit, we got to see mostly everything on the list of touristy things. So today, since it was just me myself and I strolling the city, I got up to catch the early morning sun at the bridge, and had time to enjoy a cup of coffee and write postcards.

1. "beware of crazy",                                                                      2. hah..                                                                                         3. name store

Interior of the Synagogue

Don't be fooled! Many of the souvenirs filling the shops here are not actually of items native to Prague, but of items that tourists think should be native Prague, like Russian matryoshka dolls for example. The real Prague specialty is in glass and crystal!

In the place where the saint John of Nepomuk was thrown to the river, there is a small double archbishop’s brass cross on a marble plate, again with five stars. If you lay your hand on the cross in such a way as to have each finger touching one of the stars, then your secret wish should come true. 

Good ol Churchill

The Prague Castle, biggest in the entire WORLD! Now that I think of it, I guess it did take up the entire hill. so I didn't really get to explore it.

Strahov Monastery, Strahov Library entrance

I LOVE curiosity cabinets!

I don't understand what is so fascinating about wax pears

The Philosophical Hall. The painting on the ceiling is called "The spiritual development of Humanity" and depicts the development of sciences and religion. Here, lies the virtues, and Alexander the Great among philosophers, Socrates, Diogenes, and Democritus. On the other side, the sciences, Asclepius, Pythagoras and Socrates in prison. And in the front, Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses, Solomon, and David.
The highest shelves of books are only accessible from the gallery which is approached by a secret spiral staircase in both corners, masked by false book spines.

Each book documents a species of wood. The plates are made from the wood of the appropriate tree, the spines with the name in latin and german are made from the bark and lichen, inside are the roots, branches, leaves, blossom, fruit, pieces of branches and twigs and, sometimes, also insect pests.

Achbauer, 1825

The Theological Hall. Above the iron doors on the other end of the room is inscribed, Initium sapientiae timor Domini, --The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God.

Tusk from a narwhal, during the last century, it was believed to have belonged to a unicorn

Municipal House, Art Nouveau glamour

Jan Hus at Old Time Square
I found free wi-fi at another square, and sat on a bench and video skyped my friend so he could see the city. These two old burly men came and sat down next to me and I thought I was going to get mugged. Luckily, I wasn't, and as I was video chatting, these guys were absolutely fascinated by the fact that I was talking to a person on my phone. So I introduced my friend and they waved back with awe. One of the guys then pulled out his old Nokia phone from his pocket, and I regretfully had to tell him that his phone wasn't capable of video chatting. 

David Cerny, Horse (St. Wenceslas Riding A Dead Horse)

I was at the post office to send off some mail and the lady at the desk asked me f I was Japanese and I said no, Chinese. And then she replied, "Oh, you don't have the Chinese eyes," as she tugged on her eyes a little so I would understand. But then she also said "You have a pretty face," in Czeck of course, perhaps as atonement. hmmm...


Prague 2012

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