Thursday, June 13, 2013

06.13.2013 Prehistoric World

Dinosaurs!!! On the way between Ottawa and Montreal, there are two brothers with a giant backyard-turned-"museum" with dinosaurs in it. It sounds sort of Jurassic Park like, I realise, "but believe me it's safe," I said while persuading my friends to join me on my adventure to Prehistoric World..

But for real, these are life sized dinosaurs built and painted by hand by two brothers. It's just a hobby of theirs that they share but they've stopped advertising for visitors to come to their backyard now because they are tired so he was surprised when we showed up at their door. Either way, they are still working on new dinosaurs to this day, just at a slower pace, and they choose smaller sized ones instead. Large dinosaurs take a lot of time to build, and they have to transport it from where they build it to the backyard. Here's the brochure.

I asked him how he chooses which dinosaur gets to go into the park and which one doesn't and he says that him and his brother just pick the ones they find the most interesting, like if it had a strange fact about it that most kids wouldn't know about. (I'm pretty sure if it had a weird face it would make the cut too) 

I say backyard, because it literally is, but the size is more relative to a park. When we went, it was mosquito season, and we didn't arrive with any bug spray. Well we didn't really think much of it but when we bought our tickets the guy took one look at us and just handed us his entire bottle. "You'll need it," he says. Anyway, he was right, there were mosquitoes everywhere and they would attack through our clothes which happens to be scarier than a life sized dinosaur. A tip for next time, go in August when there are fewer bugs.

this was the point.
I came here partly for the opportunity to take this photo..

Morrisburg, 2013

On another note, I've also graduated! Roar!

Carleton University, Ottawa, 2013

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