Thursday, July 23, 2009

07.23.2009 Shibuya, Ginza, Akihabara

It's really late. So I'm just going to share my photos since a picture is worth a thousand words. We were out from 10am to 10pm. Just imagine the amount of photos I have taken. Most unfortunately, I have also taken videos of many super cool things, and for some reason youtube is having difficulties uploading them. So they are all on pause. And when I say all, it means there are many of them. You are definately missing out!

Haha and my awesome roomie and I, boil water and fill up the hotel room cups with the boiled water and the put them in the fridge to cool down.. and then refill our waterbottles the next day. Because we are poor. It's like being a raincatcher.

Oh and the washroom hand dryers here are like the Dyson airblades EXCEPT they don't have that super strong burst of air that pushes your hands against the edges. These ones are gentler.

I also bumped into an old friend who I thought was someone else, but isn't; but I still know him, except I don't really know him... if that makes any sense. More later if I can remmeber to tell you about it.

And, and, vegetarians are not welcome to Japan.

P.S. I wont be able to upload my Ginza architecture pictures until later.

We took the metro to Shibuya in the morning. Nothing spectacular, just a lot of walking and map reading.

we use a Suica card to get around. it works on most transportation

Harry Potter!

exit Shinjuku Station.



Stitch CD player. He opens his mouth and you can play your music, just like in the movie!

interesting chair

square, and expensive watermelon


At the mall, if you need a shopping bag, you can get one here!

Man playing DS on the subway. Everyone is either playing a videogame or textmessaging on their cellphone.

This is a long street with brand name stores and fancy architecture.

What's a trip to japan without a stop at MUJI?

These donuts cost 8000 Yen. And you get only three "rolls", not the entire thing you see here. Plus, there was a lineup!

The toy store next to Burberry.

Burberry! Blue label!

Makimoto had a really nice wind chime. It sounds really pretty.

Where do you put your child when you have to go to the washroom? Here!

Not my bags.

Women only cart, to keep us safe from perverts.

Subway is getting full
Japanese tech and anime town. We got lost at one point. There is really a distinction between the two areas, (that's how we knew we were too far) because once you leave Akihabara, the streets are quiet, and there are fewer lights flashing in your face... and it feels creepier.

SF4 for you. no one was playing it. Surprised?


REALLY expensive fruit.


Umbrella dryer

This is for GABE because it's a soccer shop and its in Japan, and it means there are shoes...inside haha.

Some stuff I got today. Isn't the plant great? It's for a friend in Tokyo so I wont be able to bring it back to Canada. Customs won't allow it anyway. (It's MUJI). and yes, i got the puppet. = D


  1. ahahah! the puppet so cute!
    japan is more head turning than new york! i wanna go! i think i would be seriously tempted to buy everything in sight! plus i'd have to invest in a laptop or some sort of storage for the ridiculous amount of photos i would take! lol! glad to see you're having an awesome time!

  2. There's a dean and deulca here, but I'm to scared to try it because it's going to be ridiculously priced!
