Friday, July 24, 2009

07.24.2009 Roppongi Hills and Tokyu Hands Shibuya

2pm rest


I’m back in the hotel for a quick respite. This morning we went to Roppongi Hills or AKA? Tokyo Midtown. The place is super duper nice. I plan on going back there because I didn’t get to go to the Mori Art Museum or Design Sight 21_21. Instead we went around the park, which had really cool park-things, and the third floor of the Tokyo Midtown Building, which is all the interior/industrial design stuff.

directions in the grass

Fun things to play at the park

embossed leaves in concrete which are really subtle. It just looks like the dirt/gravel naturally made a picture.

help pole

Sculpture in the building

1. umbrella cleaning instructions and gadget 2. building interior

And the Issey Miyake store was really cool. I can understand why people call him a god. His store caught my attention before I even knew it was his, and the walls kept changing. He had this shade on the windows that would move up and down and change the image you saw. it was really light, and it wasn’t a drastic change or anything; it was just neat.

Everything in the store is pleated (and the e's) and the bags are really cool. His latest bag can take on any form you want due to its triangular panels and soft fabric that retain the shape of your choosing.

1. Look at the horror of which the characters are experiencing in the picture as the ladies show off their purchases. 2. Something cute hanging at the subway station 3. Do not stand on toilet.

We were amused by the compactness of the box. I didn't get the beginning but he just lifts it and it turns into a box.

For this trip so far, I have been pretty passive about the schedule. I am usually a lot more proactive about where I’m going and what I’m going to see and I make use of every minute I am spending so I can see as much as I can for the little time I have. But I’m tired, (possibly due to age) and so I’ve just followed Vancouver about and roamed around wherever they went.

I did make a map of most of the things I want to see though. Just in case I decide on changing gears, I can refer to my map and go. And anyways, I have until the 17th...

View Summer 2009 Architecture&Design in a larger map

View Japan Trip 2009 in a larger map

After our break we stayed in Shibuya and checked out the nearby department stores. I'm still really upset I can't upload videos on youtube. There are SO many cool things to show you that a picture will do no justice.

The Japanese love KrispyKreme (too?)

view at the top of TokyoTokyo city hall?

Olympic bid posters. 2016. or do they have it?

This is how my roomie and I felt by the end of the day

Our purchases! The whale is mine. The jar is from the pudding I ate for breakfast this morning. Isn't it adorable!

Oh, tidbit. Today I finally changed my watch to Japanese time. Then, at Tokyo Hands we said we'd meet up at 5:30. Since my roomie and I were late the first time, we decided to be punctual this time to make up for it. Anyways I forgot I changed my watch and we went down to wait for everyone at 4:30 (Jp time). Then, after realizing we made a mistake because nobody showed up for a while, we continued to shop around the rest of Tokyo hands until 5:30pm. Unfortunately, the mentioned meeting time was actually 5:00pm, and we were 25 minutes late... So late that everyone worried and went to make a P.A. announcement throughout the entire building to find us! oops.

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