Saturday, October 10, 2009

10.10.2009 Parc Jean Drapeau, Vieux Montreal, Quebec

I left to Montreal at 7am and almost didn't make it. I arrived in Montreal much earlier than I had expected, meaning I could have taken a later bus and slept in. Anyway, I wanted to check out the grand library that is next to Berri UQAM, but it wasn't open yet.

Returning to my original plan, I headed to Parc Jean Drapeau to see Bucky's geodesic dome. (!) Also known as the Biosphere - Environmental museum. It was really cool - to see in full form and to experience the museum itself. I think from now on, museums in Toronto just can't compare to museums in Ottawa, Montreal ...and Japan.

The biosphere wasn't open yet and I didn't want to seem like an eager beaver to get in so I checked out the surrounding area. This is a solar house (ecoological house) built with recyclable materials and etc. more info here

Inside, they have this waterlab exhibit which is very well done. The colours, presentation, composition, thoughtfulness of interaction design, everything! Even though it is obviously geared towards children, it was a full interactive exhibit that was reaally cool.

1. walk on water! 2. keypad mouse. doesn't fit the hand nicely.

The special exhibition at the biosphere was called U Turn - Toward sustainable transportation. It was also very nicely presented. They had interactive zones illustrating the impact of personal vehicles on the environment and public health. I think it was also a ploy to educate the public about Canada's new vehicle recycling program called retire your ride.

On my way to Habitat 67...

1. interesting sign on my way to habitat 67, 2. Highway to Habitat 67

Moshe Safdie's Habitat 67'!

proof of my arrival/presence

At the Montreal Port I went looking for the Silophone and decided to try the Bixi bike, the Parisian Velib equivalent. It's also really neat! It's such a pity that Toronto didn't adopt a similar system with all their extra money. Instead (in TO) they are repaving roads that [I find] don't necessarily need repaving. maybe it is also because Montreal is a lot more dense?

it has gears on right, and a bungee cord to hold luggage to the bike

1. Silophone! A very interesting... permanent installation? 2. Palais des congrès de Montréal
The silophone is this quirky installation that allows you to hear your voice echo from inside an enormous storage cylinder. You speak into a microphone and the sound is collected in the cylinder with other microphones and cylinders installed in silo number 5. (the cylinder).

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