Friday, December 30, 2011

12.30.2011 playgrounds, Gestalten, Winter Badeshiff and a baked potato

Sentry robot!
We had so much time, and now the holiday is more than half done. There was a plan, but we hardly stuck to it. Today we did more living-in-the-city things and less touristy things. Although, a nice thing happened today! Many years ago we came across this product that I thought was really adorable, and today, we found the studio and met the designer! To make the world even smaller, he also knows my coworker. Neat-o right? It's a two person design company, and one partner lives and works in Berlin while the other lives and works in Munich. I asked them how they do a long distance relationship like that, and he just shrugs and says, "We Skype." and left it at that.

Brought my friend to the Turkish market, where everything is in abundance. I've never gone during the day because I'm at work, but I've always assumed it would be less crowded during the day. But actually, it is the opposite. Getting through the people and the market today felt like we were constantly being nudged to move forwards.

1. necklace chains,                                                                                           2. lost a button?

Made a stop at another playground. 

Tree hammock

rocking horse

tree house

bee hive

A teetering rope swing

Gestalten, a word with a double meaning, and a store/library/exhibition space. They have some really unique pieces I haven't been able to find anywhere else. 

I saw this in a book yesterday, and I found it in this store today. And it is just as ridiculously adorable in your hands as it in in the book.

Bixels.This is our third attempt to go for bimbimbap at this little restaurant I know of. But every time we are ready to go, we are so hungry that we just settle for something else that is closer, or it is closed. 

We ended our night at the Badeshiff. A half-submerged floating barge/old cargo container that had been turned into a public pool (and a sauna for the winter). It only looks like this in the wintertime because it has got this glowing shell thing on. In the summer, it is entirely open. Actually, we went yesterday but it was so full, we couldn't get in. Today we went a bit earlier thinking we'd be smart, and we still had to wait a bit. I asked the guy when would be the best time to come so that there would be less people and he said, "Just don't come during the holidays." "Thanks," I muttered back in return. Nevertheless, this was nice, I've never gone sauna-ing and I'm afraid of the heat, so I didn't think this was going to be fun. I also tried the pool. Well, actually, I only got so far as the third step of the ladder when I realized the pool did not go from shallow to deep, it was just deep -and so I jumped right out.

1. Winter Badeshiff (bathing ship) ,                                     2. Molecule man on the river spree

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