Sunday, January 1, 2012

12.31.2011 The crossover. Happy New Year!

New year's was fantastic!
We've been told horror stories about the crazy that happens on the streets at new years in Berlin, that heaps of people are on the streets throwing fireworks and empty glass bottles. "If you want to head out into the war zone," they warned, "be safe and have an equally threatening glass bottle in your hand."

But first, before the city goes nuts, we went out on the streets to wander for a bit but as it turns out, everything is closed on this day as well. We stopped by a playground because it looked interesting, especially with the construction in the background, and got ambushed by these two little boys and their imaginary guns and arrows. The playground was practically empty otherwise, so I had put my bag down so I could climb for a bit. Anyway, by the time I climbed over to the platform where one kid was, the other ran off and held my bag in the air as if to say "Ha! This is mine now!" And as I was impelled to capture him he dropped my bag and ran. This lead to a haphazard pursuit around the playground while his brother fired bullets from above..

The construction makes for an interesting backdrop

1. taking cover,                                                              2. the platform

They exhausted us. We took cover and gathered our own weapons and fired back an attack, but eventually they got my friend and he had to die so we left the playground. We snuck back in again a while later so we could take the rest of these photos without disruption.. haha.

A chair for the giant who lives on the other side of Jack's beanstalk.

I failed this one. The kids were impressed.


We went to Schwarz cafe, which is near the zoo. (but in no way related) The food was all right, but the coffee and tea was good. The place had a really nice atmosphere and the place was filled with cool looking people. I've also heard that the cakes are good here. Unfortunately, we were so full after our lunch, we couldn't fit any cake.

My flat-mate invited us to a party she was going to for new years, and we had no other plans, so we joined them. We went to this squatted building that had been reclaimed by the people. It's a nice place lovingly kept by the people who live there as a little community. Places like these would never exist in North America. The government would pick it back up and sell the land for condos. 

A tree for your bath


flatmates, kids, friends

Happy new year!
By midnight we were on the rooftop. While everyone was cheering for the new year, we were standing eight storeys above ground in awe of the view. Up here, there was nothing but clear night sky and fireworks--fireworks exploding everywhere in every direction.. The night had started dark, but then as the evening progressed, it slowly turned into this light reddish colour from all the smoke. We couldn't capture it on camera, so after many attempts we just stared out into the night as the fireworks burst over our heads as we were like "This is soooo coool". It was like Berlin was victorious. I don't know how to explain, but the city didn't sleep, and the fireworks never stopped. This was the nicest new year's I've had. 

Other people on other rooftops

"I can't believe I'm in Berlin!" 


This man is nonchalantly throwing firecrackers onto the street as people walk by.
It could have all ended nicely with the great view from the rooftop at midnight, but we really wanted to see the crazy. The original plan was to go to Brandenburger Tor, but we were told that it would be no good, and it would be like a dirty afterparty-party. So then instead, we chose Kreuzberg. An area known for plenty of young people and plenty of fun. We told my flat-mate that we'd be heading off, and her eyes widened and she said, "Okay, just remember, ambulance is 112."

We stepped out into the night and took the train to Kreuzberg. At the station, there were people throwing fireworks into the tracks, and these guys even put one inside a glass bottle. Everyone ran for cover trying to keep a safe distance away from the shards of exploding glass. At the Alexanderplatz stop, there were so many people trying to get on that everyone was pushed into the spacing between facing seats. Here, we met this girl who was visiting her friend in Berlin, and she was going to a friend of a friend's loft party. "Hey, do you want to come join us?" she asked. We looked at each other and shrugged and said, "Yeah! Sure!" I mean, she seemed pretty all right and we had each other as backup so well, why not. We followed her to this apartment and went in, and it turned out to be a great party, with a great DJ, in this room with a cool light installation happening. I think the place belonged to two artists of some sort, and word got out he was having a party and friends of friends of friends showed up. The music didn't stop so neither did we, until 6am.

From the outside you could see this glowing room and hear the heavy bass of dubstep

I've been told a night like this could never happen in any other city.