Saturday, February 25, 2012

02.25.2012 The Berlin Zoo (Zoologischer Garten)

I have been starting to lose motivations for museums. I am also starting to lose the enthusiasm of seeing as much as touristy possible on the weekend. Now, when Saturday rolls around, I'm still in bed by mid-morning and haven't made plans or felt strong ambitions to see something in the city. Once I step out the door, however, energy levels refill and the enthusiasm returns. Maybe that just means I'm lazy. Fortunately, the weather is getting nicer, the sky is a bit bluer, and the sun is peeking out every once in a while. So, changing it up a bit, I figured what the heck, why not go to the zoo..
I don't really have a thing for zoos, nor do I necessarily agree with these institutions, but today was going to be a relaxing walk in the park kind of day. I was also expecting it to be something like my visit to Taronga Zoo in Australia, but it didn't turn out like that. I paid my dues and entered the park. There were no take-away maps like the ones you find at amusement parks, so I walked aimlessly in random directions. Somehow, in doing so, I still managed to cover every corner of the zoo, except for the hippo residence. 

al pac a
There weren't many visitors, I guess because the weather was still chilly. There was a nice cold wind blowing through Berlin. Hours later though, I left the zoo with a headache.  

The strangest thing about this zoo is that it is located in the city. In the foreground, there are elephants, lions, and monkeys, in the middle ground, there is the replication of natural environments and in the background (which throws everything off), there are high rises and construction. You can also hear the sounds of the city inside the park! It was really kind of strange because I almost feel like the Zoo should be in it's own bubble. 


giraffe temple

Sleeping in

1. contemplations                                                      2. The monkey rooms


The longer I spent in this pavilion, the more glad I was to be a human and not a monkey. They are interesting to watch, because they are like primitive versions of ourselves. Sure, we are the more intelligent, evolved beings, but if you study animal behaviour, you'll learn of a lot of interesting similarities and (thank goodness) differences too of course. After all, behaviour is also just a part of a biological adaptation, no?

spot the monkey

spot the monkey

moose! (I'd be more impressed if it was real..)


1. elephant,                                        2. statue of a boy, standing on a turtle, pissing on a frog.

Cranes are beautiful!

1. thinking,                                                      2. Chinese area (pandas, cranes, etc)

The aquarium with a giant lizard, or is it a dinosaur? A reference to the fact that marine animals were around when dinosaurs roamed? The aquarium  required a second entrance fee, so I did not enter since I didn't find the zoo stupendous, I didn't think the aquarium was going to be any better. In hindsight, I should have bought a ticket to find out for myself.


cat food

quack quack!

wrong side of the fence?

Here, I want to sing "baa baa black sheep" but these are not sheep...

not Knut

Eggs and their respective sizes! 1. Look how giant they get, and 2, Look how green that is!

And of course, there was a playground for the little monkeys (figuratively). A giant play area in fact, with all sorts of nooks and crannies to crawl into and ropes and bridges and slides and swings!

a giant dinosaur egg that kids climb up, into, through, under, and out. I didn't try because I didn't want to get stuck..

1. outside,                                                             2, inside!                                                   3.other side.

That's four interlinked play towers with slides

crawl space! if you dare..


Street things. This doesn't seem like anything, but the thick dark outlines on the building makes me think of piping on a jacket.

1. bike parts, poster. ,                                             2. a laptop table on a public bench!

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