Sunday, August 19, 2012

08.19.2012 Sevilla

Welcome to Sevilla! I got as far as the neighbourhood of my hostel until I got lost. And boy is it hot outside. I walked in and out of the streets of shops, all of them intertwining and looking alike, but not quite. I tried to make markers, but I was tired, and my bag was getting heavy and I was cursing at my instructions. I had looked up the directions, but they were pretty useless after instruction number one: "Once off the bus, cross street and turn on street after the cafe, and go straight" I got off the bus, check. I crossed the street, check. I saw the cafe...but was I supposed to turn on the small street or the big street? And for the record, neither streets went straight! (I tried both) 

The train station. I had no idea where to find the bus.

By the time I was here, in this exact spot, (approx 1.5 hours) I was cursing. I was finally on the right street. But the apartment number I was looking for was 12, and here, (I took a photo out of deliberation) was number 11 and 13. "Okay, alright, that's fine," I told myself, "It's because it's even on this side and odd on the other side of the street" and I turned around, and it was like, number 76 and 78 or something ridiculous like that. I was ready to shout at the pink wall and be like, "What is this, Harry Potter? Station nine-and-three-quarters??!" By then it was late enough in the morning that people were showing up on the streets and I asked someone for help. I was actually really close. (in physical proximity, not in the HarryPotter sense) 

Inside of the hostel!

The landmark cafe. After this point after I was lost.

Metropol Parasol, Jurgen Mayer H. Architects, is made out of wood. And is affectionately known as 'the mushroom' by locals.

This place/space is unfortunately not being used as it's intention. Perhaps it doesn't quite fit in this city.

These streets are all kept shaded with these sheer cloths up in Agrabah (Alladin).

This marks the center of the entire Sevilla

Bank of Spain.

Beware! Walk through this arch with your lover and be together forever.

This is sort of unassuming, but it's the Plaza de Toros de La Maestranza. Bullfighting is still a big deal here.

I entered. Just in time for a guided tour!

Flamenco! This is this underground student flamenco bar that gypsies play and hang out at. Truth be told, I was pretty sketched about going here, primarily because I had met a random person on the street who took me here, but it turned out alright and the performance was pretty cool.

Three crosses courtyard. There is a story here, but I forget.

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